Audit Media Plan Change History

Here's how to Audit Media Plan Change History in Bionic for Agencies.

Learn in Bionic Academy: Audit Your Media Plan History

Media plans are consistently changing day in and day out. With these many changes it is easy to make a mistake or lose track of who did what. Bionic makes tracking and undoing mistakes simple.

There is a History button in the Media Plan to help you track all of the changes to your media plan. Included in your history will be exact details on the changes that were made as well as an Undo option to restore any unnecessary changes. 

In this article, we'll cover:

  1. Review Media Plan History
  2. Filter History View
  3. Undo Changes

Review Media Plan History

Within the history details you will be able to see any and all actions that have been performed within your media plan including when new placements or packages are created, flights enabled, any field is updated, and when placements or packages have been deleted. Also included in the details are:

  • An exact timestamp of when the action took place.
  • The name of the user that made the changes.
  • The Bionic ID for the placement that was updated, created or deleted.
  • Type of action (delete, update or create).
  • The property that was updated.
  • Old value and new value to identify the exact change that was made.
  • Undo button, when applicable - see Undo Changes below.

A screenshot of the History View.

TIP: In the details you will now also be able to see the true effect that changing one field can have on the rest of your placement. For example, adding a new placement will cause updates to many fields including Start Date, End Date, Pricing Method and more.

Here is how to view your media plan's history:

  1. In a media plan, click the History button.

A screenshot of the History button in a media plan.

NOTE: You have the ability to sort by Timestamp, Time Ago, User, Item, Action and Property when viewing your history by clicking on the Header you wish to sort by.

A screenshot of the Sortable headers in the History View.

Filter History View

You can also apply filters to allow you to zero in on the specific changes are you interested in. There are five filter options you can use:

  • by Date
  • by User
  • by Item (placement ID)
  • by Action (create, delete, update, etc.)
  • by Property (Ad Unit, Channel, Product name etc.)

A screenshot of the Filter options in the History View.

Here's how to filter your history view:

  1. Click on a Filter.
  2. Select your Filter Criteria.
  3. Click Apply.

A screenshot of how to Filter in the History View.

NOTE: Media Plan history can also be downloaded into an Excel file by clicking the Download button to the right of the filter options.

A screenshot of the Download button in the History View.

Undo Changes

In a media plan, you have the ability to undo certain changes. 

Here is how to undo changes in Bionic:

  1. For the action you wish to Undo, click on the Arrow Icon in the Undo column.
  2. Once an action has successfully been undone you will see a check mark appear in the Undo column of History.

A screenshot of the Undo Icon in the History View.

A screenshot of the Undo success in the History View.

CAUTION: It is important to note that the Undo feature is not available for all actions as some actions cannot be undone because they were changed by effect of the initial change made.

In this case, Bionic will alert you with the warning symbol appearing in the Undo column after the Undo button has been clicked. If you hover over the warning symbol a message will appear as to why that action could not be undone.  

For example if you try to change an Impressions KPI when the cost method for that placement is CPM you will get the message "KPI change cannot be undone because KPI matches cost method:

A screenshot of the Undo Warning message in the History View.

In this case, you would need to undo the change to Quantity instead of the KPI. 

TIP: You will be able to view the undone change as soon as you click the 'X' or Done button to close out the History menu. Bionic will identify the placement is being updated by showing a loading bar running across the entire placement(s).