Configure a New Performance Integration

Here is the process to follow if you need Bionic to add a performance integration in Bionic for Agencies.

The performance integrations available in Bionic are driven by customer requests. If you would like to integrate with a platform missing - just ask! These can be typically be turned around quickly if you can get us the data we need.

In this help article, we'll cover how to:

  1. Create a Report
  2. Automate Delivery

Create a Report

To add a new integration, we will need a report that contains the key data points for mapping and KPI tracking.

In most scenarios, you will report at the level you are setting the budget at in the respective platform. This will give the apples to apples comparison between your Bionic planned placements and the campaigns you have running in the platform.

For example: 1 Bionic placement = 1 Facebook campaign

The report will look at daily results for each placement/campaign it is reporting on. It will need to contain the following:

  • Date
  • Placement/Campaign Name
  • Unique Placement/Campaign ID
  • Metric 1...
  • Metric n (include all Metrics you want to track)

TIP: Metrics may include Spend, Impressions, Clicks or other KPIs you want to track.

Here's what the report should look like:

new bionic data source-1

Once you have created this report, please send the report to your CSM or

Automate Delivery

If delivery of this report is possible, it will enable the integration to be fully automated. Bionic will receive the data every night and automatically process it.

The following is required to enable full automation:

  1. The report will need to be emailed to an email address that Bionic provides.
  2. The report send must be in a "computer-readable" format such as CSV. For example, a PDF will NOT work.

If the email contains a link to the report (instead of an attachment), this is ok unless a password or other human intervention is required.