Configure Ad Settings

Here's how to Configure Ad Settings in Bionic for Agencies.

When creating or editing an Ad, you can control the Ad details such as the name, creative, Ad unit, and description in the Ad Settings. Any changes made here will be automatically saved.  The Ad Settings are divided into five sections: Basic Info, Image, Description, Metadata, and Rotation.

In this article, we'll cover:

  1. Update Basic Info
  2. Add Image
  3. Add Description
  4. Update Metadata
  5. Configure Ad Rotation
  6. Add Ads to a Rotation
  7. Remove Ads from a Rotation
  8. Deactivate/Activate Ads in a Rotation
  9. Review Ad Usage

Update Basic Info

Basic Info is the fundamental information of the Ad. You have the flexibility to modify these details whenever necessary.

In this section you can update:

  • Ad Name: The name of the Ad as it will display in the media plan, exports, and reporting.
  • Status: Indicates whether the Ad is Active or Inactive. You can switch Ads to Inactive when they are no longer applicable for use to help keep you Ad list clean. It will keep the Ad for historical purposes, but will not be available for use in future media plans.
  • Creative: Is this a single Ad creative or a rotation of multiple Ad creatives. 
  • Channel: Select the channel this creative applies to from the list. This should align with the Channel you would select when setting up placements that use this Ad.
  • Ad Unit: Select the ad size from the list, or enter the size if what you need is not listed.
  • Ad Code: Enter the Ad Code assigned to this Ad if applicable.

Here's how to update basic info for an Ad:

  1. In the Ads tab (of an Advertiser or Campaign), Click on the Ad Name.
  2. Click on the Settings tab of the Ad.
  3. Go to the Basic Info section of the Settings tab.
  4. Update section as needed.

A screenshot of the Ads tab.

A screenshot of the Basic Info section of the Settings tab of an Ad.

Add Image

The image is the creative image that will be used in the Ad. It will display in the media plan when you select the Ad for the placement.

If the Ad is a video (digital or broadcast), you can use this area to upload a still image to represent the video, then embed the video in the Description.

If there are more than 1 creative images that will tie to a placement (such as in a rotation), you will need to create an image file that contains all of the pertinent ads (such as a collage). Each placement can tie to 1 Bionic Ad.

Here's how to upload an image:

  1. In an Ad, go to the Settings Tab.
  2. Click on the Image section of the Settings Tab.
  3. To upload a new image, click on the Choose File button.
  4. Select the File from your computer to upload.

A screenshot of the Image section of the Settings tab of an Ad.

Add Description

The Ad Description allows you to include additional information about the Ad such as objectives, strategy, or some background. This text area is unlimited and can be formatted.

If you need to embed videos or need additional control over the content, use the <> icon to access the HTML code. You can paste the embed code where desired.

Remember that once you have made any necessary changes, you can click on the X in the upper right corner of the Ad box to close the window. Changes are saved automatically.

Here's how to add description to an Ad:

  1. In an Ad, go to the Settings Tab.
  2. Click on the Description section of the Settings Tab.
  3. Add a description.

A screenshot of the Description section of the Settings tab of an Ad.

Update Metadata

The metadata section is where you fill out custom fields for your Ad. These custom fields can represent any information you would like to document specifically related to this Ad that you may need to use elsewhere, such as Ad Naming conventions or integrations with other platforms. 

Learn more here: Set Ad Metadata.

Configure Ad Rotation

Bionic allows you to have rotating Ads bundled together. For example, let's say that you have 3 social media advertisements that correlated with each other. You can tie these 3 Ads together by using rotations.

NOTE: This section will be unavailable if Creative is set to 'Single' in the Basic Info tab.

For an Ad Rotation, you can update:

  • Rotation Type
    • Weighted: Creatives are served based on assigned weights, which can be customized, optimized, or based on click-through rates (CTR). This strategy allows you to control the frequency of each creative based on your preferences, performance metrics, or campaign objectives.
    • Sequential: Creatives are served in a specific order defined by the advertiser. This strategy can be useful for storytelling or for delivering a series of messages in a particular sequence.
  • Weight Calculation
    • Even: Each creative has the same weight.
    • Custom CTR: Automatically adjusts the creative weights based on their click-through rate performance. The system will serve creatives with higher CTR more often, prioritizing those that have proven to be more engaging to users.
    • Optimized: Uses an algorithm to automatically adjust the creative weights based on their overall performance, considering factors such as CTR, conversion rate, and viewability. This strategy aims to maximize the overall effectiveness of your ad by serving the best-performing creatives more often.
  • Dates
    • Use Placement Dates: Match the dates of the placement the creative is in.
    • Customize Start and End: Have a start/end date that differs from the placement dates.
  • Landing Pages
    • Use Placement Landing Page: Share the landing page from the placement inside the media plan.
    • Customize Landing Pages: Provide a unique landing page for the creative.

Here's how to update these Rotation settings:

  1. In the Settings Tab of an Ad, click on the Rotation section.
  2. Update the Rotation settings to your requirements.

A screenshot of the Rotation section of the Settings tab of an Ad.

Add Ads to Rotation

To add an Ad to rotation:

  1. In the Rotation section, press Add.
  2. Select all of the Ads you wish to be included (do not remove the Check from any you wish to keep in the rotation).
  3. Press Done.

A screenshot of the Rotation section of the Settings tab of an Ad.

A screenshot of the Add Ads dialog in the rotation section of an Ad.

Remove Ads from a Rotation

You can also Remove Ads using the buttons above the table.

Here's how to Remove ads from a Rotation:

  1. Click on the Checkbox next to the Ad Name.
  2. Press Remove.

A screenshot of the Basic Info section of the Settings tab of an Ad.

Deactivate/Activate Ads in a Rotation

You can choose to deactivate and activate Ads in a rotation.

Here's how:

  1. Click on the Checkbox next to the Ad Name.
  2. Press the Deactivate button (or Activate button depending on the Ads Status).

A screenshot of the Basic Info section of the Settings tab of an Ad.

Review Ad Usage

The Usage tab provides an overview of all the campaigns that use this Ad. In addition to the campaign and advertiser, it indicates the total number of lines it is included in and the total amount planned.

Here's how to review your Ad's usage:

  1. In the Ad, click on the Usage tab.

A screenshot of the Usage tab of an Ad.

Next Steps: