Here's How to Review Budgets in Bionic for Advertisers.
At times, Campaigns in Bionic for Advertisers will have your overall budget broken out into segments, we call Buckets, based on your needs.
Budget Buckets enable your agency to break out your overall budget into segment which then you will have the ability to approve these budget buckets and assign individual PO numbers as needed.
In this article, we'll cover:
Access a Campaign's Budget Buckets
Budget Buckets, if available, are located in a Campaign. Here's how to access it:
- Within a campaign, click on the Budget tab.
Here is a description of the information available in this view:
- Bucket: Name of the Bucket
- Budget: This is the amount of money allocated to this Bucket
- Share: This is the share of this Bucket's budget against the Campaign budget
- Authorization: Indicates the current authorization status of this Bucket's budget. Statuses include:
- Draft - This Bucket is currently being formulated
- Pending - Authorization has been requested, but no response has been received
- Authorized - Budget has been authorized for this Bucket
- Rejected - Budget has been refused and should not be used in the media plan
- PO Number: Where you can store the Purchase Order Number of approved Budgets. Optional to use, but handy if you use a Purchase Order System for tracking media expenditures.
- Months: You have the option to view monthly budgets by selecting the "Show Monthly" checkbox (NOTE: this option is only available if your campaign has flight dates). Each month that the campaign is running will appear as its own column, within these fields you can identify the monthly budget for that Bucket.
- Total of Monthly: The sum of the monthly budgets for a Bucket. NOTE: Column will only appear if Show Monthly checkbox has been selected.
- Variance: The difference between the Budget and Total of Monthly figures. NOTE: Column will only appear if Show Monthly checkbox has been selected.
- If Total of Monthly is less than the Budget for a Bucket the variance will appear as red text in parentheses informing you that you have not met your entire budget for that Bucket.
- If Total of Monthly is greater than the Budget for a Bucket the variance will appear as red text informing you that you are over your budget for that Bucket.
- If Total of Monthly equals Budget the variance will be 0.00.
- Lines in Plan: Identifies the number of lines in the media plan that are assigned to this Bucket. NOTE: You can click the quantity to see a filtered view of the plan showing only these lines.
- Amount in Plan - The sum of the Total Cost of the lines in your media plan that are assigned to this Bucket. NOTE: You can click the quantity to see a filtered view of the plan showing only these lines.
- % Planned - Indicates the share of the Bucket that has been planned in the media plan.
Authorize Budget Buckets
You are able to authorize (or reject) each bucket as appropriate. Typically, buckets identified as Pending indicate the agency is awaiting your approval.
You can update authorizations either individually or in bulk. Here's how:
Authorize Individually
- Click on the Authorization dropdown for the Bucket you want update.
- Select the appropriate status.
- In the PO Number column, enter the PO Number. (Optional)
![A screenshot of how to authorize a budget bucket.](
Authorize in Bulk
- Select the checkboxes next to the Buckets you want to update.
- Press the Authorization button.
- Choose the Status to apply to all of the selected buckets.
- If you have a PO Number that applies to all of these selected buckets, you may also enter that. If not, you can leave blank & enter individual numbers for each bucket.
- Press Save.
![A screenshot of the authorization dialog.](
Download Budget Buckets Data
You may pull this data out of Bionic for external review. This will export the data to Excel.
- Press the Download button.
The data will export to Excel.