Clone a Campaign

Here's how to clone a campaign in Bionic for Agencies.

Learn in Bionic Academy: Manage Your Campaigns - The Basics Course

Learn in Bionic Academy: Manage Your Campaigns - Intermediate Course

In Bionic, you can take an existing campaign and clone it to create a new campaign. By cloning a campaign, it will duplicate the entire campaign, which then, you'll have the ability to change any attributes that are different for the newly created campaign. 

In this article we'll cover:

  1. Clone a Campaign

Clone a Campaign

Here's how to clone an entire campaign:

  1. In the Campaign you wish to clone, Click on the More menu in the upper right corner.
  2. Press Clone Campaign.
  3. Select Advertiser.
  4. Name the New Campaign.
  5. Enter Budget.
  6. Select Campaign Dates.
  7. Press Clone.

A screenshot of a campaign's overview and the clone campaign button.

Screenshot of the Clone Campaign dialog.

TIP: Other modifications can be made from directly within the new campaign.

NOTE: Bionic also has the ability to clone placements from a media plan and add those clone lines to the same media plan or to a different media plan in your account. Lean more here: Clone Placements.

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