Create a Campaign

Here's How to Create (or Delete) a Campaign in Bionic for Agencies.

Learn in Bionic Academy: Manage Your Campaigns - The Basics Course

Learn in Bionic Academy: Manage Your Campaigns - Intermediate Course

In Bionic, Campaigns are the "containers" in which your media plan resides.  You must setup a campaign before you can work on your media plan.

Within a campaign you can manage all aspects of your media plan, RFPs, generate necessary documents, and access Flowcharts & Allocation charts.

In this article, we'll cover:

  1. Create a Campaign
  2. Manage Campaign Information
  3. Delete Campaign

Create a Campaign

Here's how to create a campaign:

TIP: You can opt to create a campaign from the Campaigns Tab within an Advertiser. The advantage of this is the Advertiser field will be pre-populated for you with that Advertiser.

  1. On the Homepage, Click on the Campaigns Tab.
  2. Press the Add Campaign button.
  3. Select an existing Advertiser from the Dropdown OR add a new Advertiser by entering the Advertiser's name.
  4. Enter Campaign Name.
  5. Enter Budget (Optional).
  6. Enter Flight Dates (Optional).
  7. Press Create.

NOTE: Create as a Private / Training Campaign: When selected, it ensures RFP invitations are not emailed. This is helpful when practicing or training users, or preventing accidental emails prior to confirming campaign details are complete.  The flag can be turned off to transition the campaign into a "live" campaign.

A screenshot of the homepage for Bionic for Agencies.

A screenshot of the Campaigns Tab on the Org level.

A screenshot of the Create New Campaign dialog.

Manage Campaign Information

Once your campaign is created, you will brought to the Media Plan page. You can either begin to build your media plan, however, you may want to first manage and setup your campaign settings. 

The following sections will highlight general information include in the Campaign. Settings that are used as defaults for other functionality are linked to pages at the end of this page.

Overview Tab

The Overview Tab in a Campaign will provide insights based on the information provided in the Settings of that Campaign.

A screenshot of the Overview Tab in a Campaign.

Manage Basic Info

The Basic Info page of the campaign setup allows you to specify general information about this campaign such as budget, flight dates, advertiser, and also set a default Gross to Net Discount.  Some of this information you may have already populated when setting up the campaign, and can be changed as needed.

Here's how to update your Campaign's Basic Info:

  1. In a Campaign, Click on the Settings Tab (or the Edit button in the Overview Tab).
  2. Update the Fields on this page as needed. 

NOTE: Changes will automatically save.

A screenshot of the Settings Tab in a Campaign.

Here is an explanation of the fields presented on this page:

  1. Advertiser, Campaign Name, Currency/Budget, and Flight Dates: These fields will carry through based on what was entered when the campaign was created.  You may modify these as needed.
  2. Gross to Net Discount: Establishes the default discount % used to calculate Net cost.  The default set in the Advertiser will automatically populate here. You can change the default for this campaign and it will automatically update line items in the media plan that use the campaign default.
  3. Categories: Identify categories that represent your audience. 
  4. Channels: Select the channels from the drop down menu that are expected to be used as part of this campaign.
  5. Countries: Select the countries from the drop down menu that represent the audience for this campaign. If in the US, you can also focus on specific CBSA regions.  Typing in the name will display potential matches to choose from.
  6. Notes: Notes are for internal use only, and are a way store additional information about this campaign.

Add an Image

The Campaign Image is used in a variety of places throughout the Bionic application and in the PowerPoint presentation export. Here's how to add an image:

NOTE: The recommended file specifications are:

  1. JPG or PNG
  2. 16:9 aspect ratio (works best for presentations)
  3. 1920px width x 1080px height (HD)

The image will be automatically scaled to support the respective displays.

  1. In the Settings Tab of a Campaign,  Click on the Image section.
  2. Press Choose File.
  3. Select Image from your computer when prompted.

TIP: The image will display in the various sizes as presented throughout Bionic and the PowerPoint export file allowing you to preview and verify.

A screenshot of the Image section in the Settings Tab of a Campaign.

NOTE: To Remove an Image, Press the Remove Image button. There is no confirmation and the image will be immediately deleted.

A screenshot of how to Remove an Image for a campaign.

Include a Description

 The Campaign Description provides an area for you to communicate information specific to this campaign such as objectives, strategy, or any other information that would be helpful for planners to know about it.  This text is not shared externally. Here's how to include a description:

  1. In the Settings Tab of a Campaign, Click on the Description section.
  2. Enter description for the campaign.

A screenshot of the Description section in the Settings Tab of a Campaign.

Identify Contacts

 In campaign Contacts, you can identify the key players related to this campaign from both your company and the Advertiser.  Contacts setup at the Advertiser will automatically populate this page. Here's how to setup contacts:

  1. In the Settings Tab of a Campaign, Click on the Contacts section.
  2. Go to the Advertiser or Buyer section, as appropriate and press the + add new link.
  3. Enter the email address of the contact.
  4. Press Next.
  5. If this is a known contact, the contact will be presented:
    1. Select the Role for the contact.
    2. Select the Star icon to mark this contact as a Main Contact (optional)
    3. Press Confirm.
  6. If this is not a known contact:
    1. Enter the contact information for this person.
    2. Select the Role for the contact.
    3. Select the Star icon to mark this contact as a Main Contact (optional).
    4. Press Add.

A screenshot of the Contacts section in the Settings Tab of a Campaign.

A screenshot of the Add a contact dialog.

A screenshot of the Confirm contact dialog.

A screenshot of the Add a contact, enter contact details dialog.

NOTE: You can edit and remove contacts by using the Edit and Delete icons at the end of the line item for the respective contact. These icons appear when you hover over the contact line.

Delete Campaign

Here's how to delete a campaign:

  1. In a campaign, click on the More dropdown.
  2. Select Delete Campaign.
  3. Press Yes, delete campaign to confirm deletion.

A screenshot of the More dropdown in a campaign.

A screenshot of the Delete Campaign confirmation dialog.

Next Steps