Here's How to Flight Broadcast Placements in Bionic for Agencies.
Learn in Bionic Academy: Manage Media Plans
Flighting enables you to break out a placement based on time periods that need to be tracked individually, while remaining part of an individual placement. Flights may have varying costs and quantities associated with each time period.
In this article, we'll cover:
Flight a Broadcast Placement
Placements priced on a Per Spot basis will automatically provide a Broadcast Week breakout, automatically allocated based on total quantity.
From here, if the number of spots is different than allocated, you may enter the valid number of spots for each week. Here's how:
- In the Line Item you wish to flight, begin typing in the new value in one of the Spots by Broadcast Week fields.
- You will be prompted to flight the placement. Click Yes, Flight This Placement.
- Update the Number of Spots Per Week in each Field as needed.
TIP: Press Tab as you Update each Spots Per Week field to quickly move to the next field.