Review RFPs

Manage your RFPs sent to your Ad Sales reps in Bionic for Agencies.

Learn in Bionic Academy: Build Plans With RFPs

Bionic is the perfect tool to effectively manage your RFPs sent to your ad sales partners. By using RFPs in Bionic you can easily send, view and manage RFPs for your campaign. 

In this article, we'll cover:

  1. Navigate the RFP Tab

  2. Edit an RFP

  3. Update RFP Status

Navigate the RFP Tab

All RFPs created for a specific campaign will be shown under the RFP Tab. The RFP Tab provides general insights helpful for tracking the progress of the RFP. Here, you can see when (or if) you sent the RFP. You can also track when the RFP was last viewed (or if it was viewed at all) by your recipients. You are also able to track the number of proposals you have received for each RFP.

Here's how to access the RFPs Tab:

  1. Click on the Campaign you'd like to access the RFPs for.
  2. Click on the RFPs Tab.

A screenshot of how to access a campaign's RFPs.

A screenshot of the RFPs Tab within a campaign.

The RFPs list view in the RFP Tab includes specific details about each RFP:

A screenshot of the RFPs list view in the RFP tab.

Name - Name of the RFP.

ID - Unique RFP ID assigned by Bionic.

Status - Identifies whether the RFP is Open/Closed.

Seller Status - Reflects the status of proposals from vendor for this RFP:

  • Pending - Waiting for proposals
  • Partially responded - Vendor has submitted proposals for some, but not all, of the budgets set in the RFP
  • Responded - Vendor has submitted proposals for all of budgets set in the RFP
  • Declined - Vendor has opted to not participate in the RFP process

Last Sent - When was the RFP last sent to a recipient.

Last Viewed - When was the RFP last viewed by a vendor salesperson.

Proposals - Specifies the number of proposals received back for this RFP.

Vendor - Represents Vendor(s) this RFP will be sent to based on recipients specified in the Recipients tab of the RFP.

Recipients - Lists out any Recipients that have been specified in the Recipient tab.

Budgets - Lists out the budgets set for this RFP.

Due Date - The due date set in the RFP.

Created - When the RFP was originally created.

Created By - Who originally created the RFP.

Updated - When the RFP was last updated.

Updated By - Who last updated the RFP.

TIP: You can search by RFP name using the search box and filter RFPs by using the filter drop-downs Status and/or Seller Status.

NOTE: The RFPs can be sorted by clicking on the Header name in the RFPs list table. 

Edit an RFP 

Once an RFP is created, you have the ability to Edit that RFP. Editing an RFP is as easy as clicking on the name of the RFP you want to manage.

NOTE: If you need to edit or update details in a sent RFP, you will have to re-send out the updated version of the RFP. Any sent RFPs will not reflect any updates or edits.

Here's how:

  1. Click on the Name of the RFP you'd like to Edit.
  2. In the Overview Tab of the RFP, click on Edit.
  3. Edit any editable fields in the RFP as needed.




Here is a brief description of the Editable Fields in an RFP:

  1. Name - This will carry in from the name you entered when first creating the RFP. You can change this name as needed.
  2. Status - This shows the progress of the RFP by default an RFP is open. When an RFP is Closed, Vendors cannot submit proposals to that RFP. 
  3. Requirements - Enter or copy/paste detailed requirements for this RFP.
  4. Proposal Columns - Select whether you want make Ratings Columns or KPI Columns (that you have added to the Media Plan) available to the vendor when they complete their proposal(s).
  5. Budget levels - Enter a budget for the RFP. Press the Add a Budget Level link to add additional budgets as needed.
  6. Due Dates - Identify the date that proposals are due.
  7. Flight Dates - Automatically populates based on campaign flight dates. Can be modified as needed for this RFP.

Update RFP Status

You can set Proposal Due Dates for your RFPs. However, the RFP does not automatically close once the Due Date is reached. You have the ability to Close and Open an RFP. Closing an RFP will mean that the recipients sent your RFP will no longer have the ability to send a Proposal.

Here's how to Close an RFP:

  1. Go to the Settings Tab of an RFP.
  2. Click on the Status dropdown and select Close.

NOTE: You have the ability to Close and Open an RFP as needed.



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