Review Your Ads

Here's how to review your Ads in Bionic for Agencies.

Learn in Bionic Academy: Manage Your Ads

Ads can be easily managed within the Ads tab of either an Advertiser or a Campaign. This allows you to conveniently view all the Ads associated with a particular Campaign or Advertiser.

In this article, we'll cover how to:

  1. View Your Ads
  2. Add Ads from the Ads Tab
  3. Find Ads
  4. Deactivate Ads
  5. Delete Ads

View Your Ads

The Ads Tab provides a listing of your ads for your Campaign. Here is how to view your Ads:

  1. In a Campaign, click on the Ads Tab.

A screenshot of the Ads Tab in a Campaign.

Here is an explanation of the columns presented in the Ads View:

  • Ad Name - Name of the Ad.
  • Image - Ad Creative.
  • ID - Unique ID assigned to the Ad.
  • Ad Code - Ad Code assigned to this Ad if applicable.
  • Ad Server Ad Id - The Ad Server Ad Id if applicable.
  • Ad Server Creative Id -  The Ad Server Creative Id if applicable. 
  • Status - Indicates whether the Ad is Active or Inactive.
  • Channel - The type of media channel creative applies to.
  • Ad Unit - The Ad size.
  • Advertiser Name - The Advertiser the Ad is for.
  • Lines - Denotes how many line items the Ad is associated with.
  • Planned - The planned budget amount the Ad is associated with.
  • Custom Columns - Custom Fields with the Campaign as the Object Type will be listed.
  • Naming Conventions - The naming convention given to the Ad.
  • Created - Date & Time when Campaign was created.
  • Created By - The name of the planner that created the Campaign.
  • Updated - Date & Time when the Campaign was last updated.
  • Updated By -  The name of the planner that last updated the Campaign.

A screenshot of the Ads view in the Ads Tab.

Add Ads from the Ads Tab

If you are unable to find the Ad you need, you can simply create it from the Ads tab by clicking on the New Ad button.

A screenshot of the Ads Tab in a Campaign.

TIP: For instructions on how to add new Ads, please refer to this article: Create an Ad.

NOTE: Before creating a new Ad at the Campaign level, it is a good idea to double-check at the Advertiser level to ensure that the ad does not already exist but has not been included in this particular campaign.


Find Ads

If you have an extensive list of Ads, you have the option to utilize the search and filter functionalities to streamline the list.

Here is how to use the Search and Filter functionalities:

  1. Search Ads
  2. Filter Ads

Search An Ad

  1. Type in full or partial name of the Ad(s) in the search bar.

A screenshot of the search bar in the Ads tab.

Filter Ads

  1. Select from the filter options to limit results based on Status, Campaign Name, Channel, and/or Ad Unit.
  2. Click Apply.
  3. Repeat as necessary to use any combination of filter options.

A screenshot of the filter options in the Ads tab.

Deactivate Ads

Over time, the list of ads for an Advertiser can become quite extensive. It is recommended to utilize the deactivate feature to tidy up Ads that are no longer in use. This will retain the Ad for historical and reporting purposes, while removing it from the media plan Ad listing and the default view of the Ads tab.

Here's how to deactivate an Ad:

  1. Click on the Checkmark next to the name of the Ad.
  2. Press the Deactivate button.

A screenshot of how to deactivate an Ad.

TIP: When you have finished a campaign and no longer plan to use the Ads, you can easily remove them by filtering your Ad list by the campaign name. Then, select all the Ads using the top check box and click on the deactivate button. This will delete all of those Ads in one step. To activate ads again, simply press the activate button in the same manner.


Delete Ads

Ads can only be deleted at the Advertiser level and if they are not in use. 

Here's how to delete an Ad:

  1. Click on the Checkmark next to the name of the Ad.
  2. Press the Delete button.

NOTE: If the Delete button isn't available, you will need to use Deactivate instead.

A screenshot of how to delete an Ad.

Next Steps: