Here is how you get data from Google Campaign Manager 360 into Bionic for Agencies.
The integration with Google Campaign Manager 360 will enable you to export data from Bionic to import into Campaign Manager, and then report performance data back to Bionic. These instructions will describe the process for handling performance data.
Refer to Integrate Performance Data for the complete list of steps to complete your integration set up.
For all integrations, you will first need to Define Your Integration.
In this help article, we'll cover how to:
Add User in Google Campaign Manager 360
Bionic will do the set up for Google Campaign Manager for you. Simply provide us the access defined below and we will notify you when it is complete.
Here is how to add a user in Google Campaign Manager:
- Log into Google Campaign Manager.
Go to Admin > User Profiles.
Click “New”.
Create a user similar to the screenshot below. (See screenshot).
Contact Bionic Customer Support to let us know once this has been completed.
CAUTION: Please follow the Profile Name format as in the screenshot, it must be a detailed Profile name. Your company or Client name should be replaced with your company if it is your organization’s account. Otherwise try to combine your company name with your client’s name (max 10 characters).
NOTE: We do not strictly need admin access if not permitted by your company. Our user only needs the ability to:
Read sites
Create/Run/Schedule reports
We will receive an email from Google Campaign 360 and handle the data import and actuals reports setup process and notify you once the process is complete.