Manage Custom Cost Columns

Here’s how to manage your custom cost columns related to agency compensation, delivery, and production costs in Bionic for Agencies.

Learn in Bionic Academy: Administer Your Account - Intermediate

Bionic allows you to track itemized advertising costs related to Agency Compensation, Delivery, and Production costs. By providing the ability to represent the itemized costs, you have the ability to track and report with a level of transparency necessary for your organization and clients.

Once added, these itemized advertising costs can be set as default costs to be carried through to campaigns for an Advertiser. These costs can also be set for individual campaigns to represent the costs you need to track as well as be customized for any individual line items in a media plan by changing rates or excluding rates that are not applicable.

In this help article, we’ll cover how to:

  1. Access Your Organization’s Custom Costs
  2. Understand Custom Costs
  3. Filter and Sort the Cost Columns Table
  4. Search the Cost Columns Table
  5. Add Agency Compensation, Delivery and Production Costs
  6. Update Costs
  7. Reactivate Costs
  8. Deactivate Costs
  9. Delete Costs

Access Your Organization’s Custom Costs

Here is how to get to the Cost Columns tab to manage your itemized advertising costs:

  1. Click on Your Company Name in the Upper Right Corner.
  2. Click on Administration.
  3. Click on the Cost Columns tab to manage your organization’s itemized advertising costs.

NOTE: You must be an organization Administrator to manage advertising costs.

A screenshot of how to access your Cost Columns tab as explained on this page.

A screenshot of the Cost Columns tab in your administration settings.

Understand Custom Costs

All costs listed in this table represent itemized advertising costs specified down to the type of costs: Agency Compensation, Delivery, and Production. These costs, when included in a media plan will represent the itemized advertising costs to give you a complete picture when tracking and reporting.

When in a media plan, these itemized costs will also be included when exporting out a Media Plan, Authorization and Allocation Charts. These costs will also be available as Display Values in the Flowchart. Summarized Costs will be presented in the PowerPoint presentation as well.

A screenshot of the Custom Cost Columns Table

Each cost has the following attributes:

  • Cost Name – The name of the itemized cost.
  • Status – Active vs. Inactive
  • Campaigns – How many campaigns the custom cost is included in.
  • Type – Type of Advertising cost: Agency Compensation, Delivery, Production
  • Calculation Methods – The Calculation Method used for the custom cost.
  • Default – The default rate that will automatically pull in when cost is selected.
  • Overage Buffer – Specific to Delivery Costs, it is the default percentage desired.
  • Created Date and Timestamp
  • Created By
  • Currency – This sets the default currency for this cost

Sort and Filter the Custom Cost Columns Table

You can sort and/or filter the Custom Cost Columns Table in the Cost Columns Tab. Here’s How:

  1. Sort by Attribution Header
  2. Filter by Status and Cost Types

Sort by Attribution Header

Here’s how to sort by attribution:

  1. Click on the Header name of column you’d like to sort by.

A screenshot of how to sort the Table by Header

Filter by Users and Status

Here’s how to filter by Status and Cost Types:

  1. Click on the All Status
  2. Select Active or Inactive
  3. Click Apply.
  4. Click on the All Cost Types
  5. Select to filter by Cost Type.
  6. Click Apply.

A screenshot of how to Filter by Status as explained on this page.

A screenshot of how to Filter by Cost Types as explained on this page.

Search the Cost Columns Table

In addition to sorting and filtering, you can also search for a specific cost using the search bar provided. The list of costs will be narrowed by keywords entered.

  1. Type in the Search Bar (the full or partial) Cost Name.

A screenshot of how to Search the Cost Columns Table.

Add Agency Compensation, Delivery and Production Costs

Here is how to add a new advertising cost for your organization:

  1. Click on Add New Cost
  2. Enter a Descriptive Name in the Name
  3. Select the Type of Cost that is represented.
  4. Select the Calculation Method this Cost should be.
  5. Select the Currency for this Cost.
  6. Optional: Enter a Default Rate in the Default field to automatically pull in when Cost is selected.
  7. If Delivery Type, Optional: Enter the default percentage in Overage Buffer

CAUTION: Type and Calculation Method cannot be edited once Cost is created.

NOTE: Default, Overage Buffer, and Currency attributes for a cost can be updated on the campaign and placement level.

A screenshot of how to add new cost.

A screenshot of the new cost settings fields.

TIP: Once new cost is saved, you can then add these advertiser costs to Advertisers’ default settings and Campaign settings. See Next Steps.

NOTE: If you need additional Calculation Methods, please contact our Support team.

Update Costs

Once a cost has been added, you can update any existing costs as you may find the need to edit an advertising cost whether it be a rename or change in the default values.

NOTE: Changes to the Cost Name will update all instances where this Cost is used. Changes to default values will only impact future use of this Cost.

Here’s how to update a cost:

  1. In the Cost Name column, click on the Name of the Cost you want to Update.
  2. Update the Editable Fields you want to edit.
  3. Click Save.

A screenshot of how to update a cost.

A screenshot of the editable fields when updating a cost.

Reactivate Costs

Advertising Costs that have been previously deactivated can be reactivated.

Here’s how to reactivate an advertising cost:

  1. Use the checkbox to select which Cost(s) to reactivate.
  2. Click on the Activate

A screenshot of how to reactivate a cost.

Deactivate Costs

Advertising Costs that are no longer in use but have historical campaigns tied to them should be deactivated. Deactivating a cost will restrict it from being used as an option in future campaigns.

Here’s how to deactivate an advertising cost:

  1. Use the checkbox to select which Cost(s) to deactivate.
  2. Click on the Deactivate

  A screenshot of how to deactivate a cost.                                                                    

Delete Costs

Here’s how to delete an advertising cost:

NOTE: Advertising Costs can only be deleted if they are not in use. If you wish to delete a cost that is currently in use, you will first need to remove it from the campaigns where it is in use.

  1. Use the checkbox to select which Cost(s) to delete.
  2. Click on the Delete button.

A screenshot of how to delete a cost.


Next Steps: