Here’s how to manage custom money columns in your administration settings in Bionic for Agencies.
Learn in Bionic Academy: Administer Your Account - Intermediate
Money columns are a type of Custom Column that represent monetary values that you need to track for your media plan placements. Money columns enable you to represent these monetary values in your media plan that are not part of the Cost of a placement.
This data is often used for information or tracking purposes and can also be a calculation based on Costs.
Here, we’ll cover how to manage your custom money columns:
- Access Your Organization’s Money Columns
- Understand Money Columns in Bionic
- Sort and Filter the Money Columns Table
- Search the Money Columns Table
- Add a Money Column
- Update a Money Column
- Deactivate a Money Column
- Reactivate a Money Column
- Delete a Money Column
Access Your Organization’s Money Columns
Here is how to get to the Money Columns tab to manage your custom money columns:
- Click on Your Company Name in the Upper Right Corner.
- Click on Administration.
- Click on the Money Columns tab.
Understand Money Columns in Bionic
Created Custom Money Columns that appear here in the Money Columns table will be available to all users to add as default columns for Advertisers and Campaigns.
NOTE: Other Custom Columns to represent Date, Text, Numbers and Picklists are also available. See Next Steps to learn more about other types of Custom Columns.
Each custom money column has the following attributes:
- Name – The name of the money column.
- Status – Active vs. Inactive. Only Active Money Columns will be selectable for Advertisers and Campaigns.
- Campaigns – How many campaigns the money column has been used in.
- Calculation Method – There are 2 options: Earned and Calculated. By selecting Calculated, this will be how your values will be calculated based on Calculation rules you choose. You can choose from several “Cost Per” or “Percentage of” options.
- Default – The default rate that will automatically pull in when this Money Column is selected.
- Overage Buffer – The default percentage (if necessary).
- Created Date -Date of money column creation.
- Created By – The User who created the money column.
- Currency – Default currency of the money column.
NOTE: Calculation Method cannot be updated or modified once set. Currency, Default and Overage Buffer can all be updated for individual campaigns and placements.
Sort and Filter the Money Columns Table
You can sort and/or filter the Money Columns Table by column header. Here’s How:
- Sort by Column Header
- Filter by Status
Sort by Column Header
Here’s how to sort:
- Click on the sortable Column Header you’d like to sort by.
Filter by Status
You can filter the Money Columns by Status. Here’s How:
- Click on the All Status
- Select Active or Inactive
- Click Apply.
Search the Money Columns Table
In addition to sorting and filtering, you can also search for a specific money column using the search bar. The list of money columns will be narrowed by keywords entered.
- Type in the Search Bar (the full or partial) money column name.
Add a Money Column
Here is how to add a new Task Name for your organization:
- Click on New Column
- Enter a Descriptive Name in the Name
- There are two options to select from when adding a new Money Column:
- Entered
- Calculated
TIP: “Entered” will mean that the data for this column will be entered as a literal value. “Calculated” means that Bionic will automatically calculate the value for each placement based on the selected Calculation Method.
NOTE: In the Currency dropdown '***' denotes to use the defaulted campaign currency. Otherwise, you may select a specific default currency for this Money Column.
Select Entered
4. Choose a Currency.
5. Click Save.
Select Calculated
4. Select Calculation Method.5. Choose a Currency.
6. (Optional) Enter a Default value.
7. (Optional) Enter an Overage Buffer percentage.
8. Click Save.
Update a Money Column
Once a Money Column has been added, you can update some of its attributes such as name, currency and default (if applicable).
Here’s how to update a Money Column:
- Click on the Money Column name in the Name header.
- Update the editable fields.
- Click Save.
Screenshot of Editable fields for Entered option
Screenshot of Editable fields for Calculated option
Deactivate a Money Column
Money columns that are no longer in use but have campaigns tied to them should be deactivated. Deactivating a money column will restrict it from being used in future campaigns.
Here is how to deactivate Money Column:
- Use the checkbox next to the name to select which Money Column(s) to deactivate.
- Click on the Deactivate button.
Reactivate a Money Column
Money columns that were previously deactivated can be reactivated.
Here’s how to reactivate a money column:
- Use the checkbox next to the name to select which Money Column(s) to reactivate.
- Click on the Activate button.
Delete a Money Column
Here’s how to delete a Money Column:
NOTE: Money Columns can only be deleted if they are not part of a campaign. If you wish to delete a Task Name that is currently in use, you will first need to delete all instances of the tasks in any campaign.
- Use the checkbox to select which Money Column(s) to delete.
- Click on the Delete button.
Next Steps:
- Set Advertiser Default Custom Columns
- Set Campaign Custom Columns
- Manage Custom Cost Columns
- Manage Custom Fields