Manage Your Organization's Profile

Here’s how to manage your organization’s profile in Bionic for Agencies.

Learn in Bionic Academy: Administer Your Account - The Basics

If ever you need to update your organization’s profile information, you can access your organizational profile within your Bionic Planner Account.

In this help article, we’ll cover:

  1. Access Your Organizational Profile
  2. Update Your Organization’s Logo
  3. Update Your Organization’s Address and Contacts
  4. Set Your Organization’s Preferred Date Format
  5. Set Gross to Net Discount
  6. Configure your Organization’s Order Settings

Access Your Organizational Profile

Here’s how to access your organizational profile page:

  1. Click on Your Company Name in the Upper Right Corner.
  2. Click on  Administration.
  3. Click on Edit (or the Settings Tab) to access your Organizational Profile.

NOTE: Anyone with a licensed account for your organization can access and manage your company’s profile information.

A screenshot of how to access your organizational profile Bionic as explained on this page.

A screenshot of the various was to access the edit org profile page in Bionic as explained on this page.

Update Your Organization’s Logo

You can update your organization’s logo by:

  1. Add a Logo
  2. Remove a Logo

Add a Logo

Here's how to add a logo for your organization:

  1. Click on Choose File.
  2. Choose an Image from Your Computer.

A screenshot of how to add a company logo as explained on this page.

Remove a Logo

Here's how to remove a logo for your organization:

  1. Click on the Trash Icon.

A screenshot of how to remove a company logo as explained on this page.

Update Your Organization’s Address and Contacts

Here’s how to update your organization’s address and main company contacts:

  1. As needed, update the editable fields related to your organization’s address and main contacts.
  2. When finished, click Save Changes.

TIP: This data is used to pull into certain outputs and will be the default for all new users.

NOTE: Contact support via email or Live Chat if you need to change this information for Bionic billing purposes. Changes here are not automatically carried out to our billing systems. You may also reach us via phone: 1-603-676-7285 x1. 

A screenshot of how to update address and main contact info as explained on this page.

Set Your Organization’s Preferred Date Format

Bionic supports a variety of different data formats to meet your organization’s requirements.

These settings will control how dates are displayed in Bionic for users belonging to this organization.

NOTE: Each user can set their own date format, but this will be used as the default for all new users.

Here is how to set the organization’s date format:

  1. Choose from the list of available formats in the dropdown.
  2. Click Save Changes.

A screenshot of how to set default organizational date format as explained on this page.

Set Gross to Net Discount

Here is how to set your organization’s Gross to Net Discount:

NOTE: The default Gross to Net Discount is set at 15%.

  1. As needed, set the discount percentage that should be used to calculate Net Cost.
  2. Click Save Changes.

NOTE: The discount percentage set here will be carried to all Advertisers and can be overwritten at the Advertiser, Campaign and Placement levels.

A screenshot of how to set gross to net discount explained on this page.

Configure your Organization’s Order Settings

Here is how to set your organization’s order settings:

  1. As needed, update the editable fields related to your organization’s order settings.
  2. Click Save Changes.

NOTE: These defaulted order settings can be overwritten in an Order.

A screenshot of how to set order settings as explained on this page.