Move Placements

Here's How to Move Media Plan Placements in Bionic for Agencies.

Learn in Bionic Academy: Manage Media Plans

Moving placements can be used in situations where you need to merge multiple campaigns into one, or break a campaign out into multiple campaigns.  

Unlike cloning, which retains the original placement(s) and creates potentially unnecessary duplication, the Move function just moves what you have.  Move will retain the unique properties of the placement, such as Bionic ID and performance data, where Clone is simply a copy that creates a whole new placement - new ID, no performance data.

In this article, we'll cover:

  1. Move Placements

Move Placements

Here's how to move Placements in Media Plan:

  1. Check off the boxes next to the Line Items you wish to move.
  2. Click the Move button.
  3. Select the campaign you want to move it to using the dropdown menu.
  4. Press Move.

A screenshot of a Media Plan and how to bulk move placements.

 A screenshot of the Move dialog.

Next Steps: