Revise Rejected Proposals

Here's how to revise a Proposal that has been rejected

It is not uncommon that the initial proposal you send the media planner gets "rejected".  This is not always the end for the RFP you are responding to, as often they are simply looking for adjustment to what you initially send. Fortunately, making updates is easy.

Clone a Proposal

The fastest option to making changes to an existing proposal that was rejected is to clone it. To clone a proposal:

  1. Log into Bionic for Ad Sales
  2. Go to the Proposal you wish to clone
  3. Click the Clone button
  4. Give the new proposal a name
  5. Click the Clone button in the pop-up
  6. You can now make any changes to match the planner's requests

Screenshot of a Proposal that has been rejected. The "Clone" button has been highlighted. As it has been pushed, a dialog has popped up asking for a new name.

Screenshot of the cloned proposal in the overview tab.

Submitting Changes

Once you have made the changes to the cloned proposal, you will need to submit it:

  1. Click on the Overview tab
  2. Put in any reasoning behind your edits
  3. Click Submit Proposal
  4. The "Status" will now say "Pending"

Screenshot of the Overview Tab in a proposal with the Submit proposal highlighted.

Screenshot of the Proposals tab of an RFP. The "Pending" status is highlighted.