Manage Gross to Net Discount

What you need to know about Gross to Net discounts for Bionic for Agencies.

Learn in Bionic Academy: Manage Media Plans

The Gross to Net Discount typically reflects the percentage used to calculate the net cost of a placement.  A detailed history and explanation can be found in Gross Media Cost vs. Net Media Cost.

Traditional media is often priced in gross, and historically in the US, has assumed a standard 15% commission to calculate the net.  However, this could vary country to country, and there are always exceptions to any "standard". The Gross to Net discount gives you the control you need to account for these variances.

Here are the layers you can control to establish the appropriate Gross to Net discount for every scenario:

  1. Adjust Your Organization Default Discount
  2. Adjust an Advertiser Default Discount
  3. Adjust a Campaign Default Discount
  4. Adjust Discount for Individual Line Items

Adjust Your Organization Default Discount

By default, the Gross to Net Discount for your organization will be set to 15%.  You can change this default in your Organizational Settings.

Learn how to adjust your organization's default discount.

Adjust an Advertiser Default Discount

When you create new Advertisers, the default Gross to Net Discount will use the default set for your Organization.  You can change the default for each Advertiser in their respective Settings.

Learn how to adjust the default discount for individual advertisers.

Adjust a Campaign Default Discount

When you create new Campaigns, the default Gross to Net Discount will use the default set for that Advertiser.  You can change the Gross to Net Discount for each campaign in their respective Settings.

NOTE: Editing the Gross to Net Discount in the campaign will automatically update placements in the media that use the campaign default %.

Learn how to adjust the default discount for individual campaigns.

Adjust Discount for Individual Line Items

Each line item in the media plan will automatically use the Gross to Net Discount set for the campaign.  The media plan will display the Gross, Discount, Savings, and Net.  You can override the Discount or Savings directly within the media plan or in the line item cost page.

Learn how to adjust the discount for individual line items.