Build Proposal - Flighting

Here's how to build out flighting in your proposal


Flighting enables you to break out a placement based on time periods that need to be tracked individually. Each flight can have varying costs and quantities.  These breakouts can easily be setup and modified in the plan.

Tip: Flights are a great way to include blackouts.

Typical flighting scenarios may include:

  • TV/Cable/Radio buys flights by broadcast week
  • Placements with a set monthly budget
  • Accounting for blackout periods
  • Varying cost or KPI expectations during specific periods

Table of Contents

  1. Adding Flights
  2. Flight Options
  3. Interpreting Flight
  4. Configure Flights
  5. Remove Clutter

Add Flighting to a Placement

  1. Hover over the line you would like to add a flight to and click on the blue arrow
  2. Select Enable Flighting
  3. Select the time frame your flights will cover
  4. Choose the Flight Option you wish to use
  5. Press the Add Flights button
  6. Configure your flight

Screenshot of Line items tab. There is an arrow pointing to the dropdown button.

Screenshot of Line items tab. A menu has been opened, with "Enable Flighting" being pointed to.

Screenshot of the dialog box that opens when you choose "Enable Flighting". The start/end date are highlighted, as well as the configuration of the flights.

Understand Flight Options

There are multiple options to choose from when creating a flight:

Screenshot of "Enable Flighting" dialog box. The options below this image are listed on the screen.

  • Evenly Sized Flights - Choose any number of flights that will be spaced evenly throughout the time period selected.
  • By Calendar Week - A flight will be created each calendar week (Sun-Sat).
  • By Calendar Month - A flight will be created for each calendar month.
  • By Calendar Quarter - A flight will be created every quarter of a year in the given time frame.
  • By Broadcast Week - A flight will be created every broadcast week (Mon-Sun).
  • By Broadcast Month - A flight will be created each broadcast month.
  • By Broadcast Quarter - A flight will be created for each broadcast quarter in the given time frame.

Interpret Your Flight

Once you have added your flight, you will see that your line items look like the image below.

Screenshot of the Line Items tab with flights now being shown.


The first line in a flight is the summary. Each line below the first in this example is using Week. 

Screenshot of the Line Items tab, zoomed in on the dates for each line. Each line represents a different Calendar Week.

Configure Your Flight

Now that we have each week separated by a flight, we can configure each flight.

  1. Changing the Dayparts for each week (Does it run each day?).
  2. Changing the Time Slots for each week (Does it run all day, or during certain hours?).
  3. Setting the Rate for that week (Are there certain weeks that the cost is greater due to the time of year, or time of day?).
  4. Changing the Quantity for each week (How many times will it run in that timeframe, or what are the Impressions that week?). 

Tip: Setting a Quantity to 0 is a great way to indicate blackouts!

Screenshot of the Line Items tab in a proposal. Numbered arrows point to Dayparts, Time Slots, Rate, and the Quantity of each spot.


After these configurations have been made, you will see your costs broken down by month.

Screenshot of the Line Items tab in a proposal, zoomed in on the Net Media by Month columns as well as Spots by Broadcast Week.

Remove Clutter

Once you have configured your flights, click on the airplane to minimize the flights so that the summary is the only line shown. You will see a number next to the plane, showing how many flights are attached to this placement, indicating there are flights that are hidden.

Screenshot of Line Items tab in a proposal. There is an arrow pointing to an airplane that has the number 10 next to it.

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Other Flight Options

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